April 2014 Zonta Bog Newsletter
Dear Quaboag Valley Zontians,
Spring is here and we are gearing up for a very busy season. Governor Denise Deshane will join us for our April meeting and will install our two new members: Dana Burton and Sandy Goss.
On Saturday, April 12th there will be an outing with the Women Vets to the Butterfly Museum and lunch. This should be a fun day. Call or email Carolyn Braskie by April 2nd if you are planning to attend so she can order tickets.
On Saturday, the 26th, the spring workshop hosted by the Berkshire Club will be held in Pittsfield. Registration deadline is April 11. If you need a form, click here.
The Club has chosen the three organizations that will receive the proceeds from our auction: Soldier On, Zonta International Foundation and the Carson Center for Human Services. A representative from the Carson Center will speak to us at our April meeting to tell us more about what the center does and how our money will be used.
The Silent “no more!” Auction committee is hard at work preparing for the evening’s event. They need everyone’s help selling tickets, gathering gifts and donations and helping with everything from setup to clean up on the night of the auction. We will hear more from the committee at our meeting.
The 2014 International Convention will be Held in Orlando, June 27 –
July 1. If you are planning to attend and would like to be our Club’s delegate, please let Joanne or me know.
In Zonta friendship,