September 2022 Newsletter
I hope everyone had an awesome summer. I am so excited to be kicking off another Zonta year! We will be starting with a bang at our 28th Annual Golf Tournament on September 10 at the Cold Spring Country Club. We need a few more players so please spread the word.
Our September business meeting will be held at the Ludlow Country Club on the 12th at 5:30pm and dinner at 6:00. I am very grateful to be back to meeting in person this year. The fee for dinner will be $20 and guests are encouraged as always. At the September meeting we are going to get back in the Zonta spirit, catch up with one another and learn more about some of our newer members that were inducted during the Covid years. We will also get some highlights from the convention, go over updates from Zonta International and make plans for the year ahead.
September 2022