Happy Autumn Fellow Zontians & Friends,
We are off to a busy start to our Zonta year!
Our September meeting was a great chance to reconnect and get into the Zonta spirit again. Cyd Melcher, Sue Seaver, Gloria Caballero Roca were inducted as board members and we had a great presentation from Mary and Mary Ann about international convention and other updates. There is a strong focus this year on building and maintaining membership so please invite guests, volunteer to have a table at a local event, or work on your “what is Zonta?” elevator speech!
In October we acknowledge Domestic Violence Awareness month and #Every1KnowsSome1 by hosting an informational session on October 10th at 5:30p at the Ludlow Country Club. What do you do if you know someone who is in danger? Our speakers Pamela Barnes, Director of Development at Alianza DV Services and Monica Moran manager of Domestic Violence Prevention Programs at the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and co-founder of the recently launched A Call For Change Helpline will seek to inform us of how we can help prevent domestic violence and what we can personally do if we know someone in danger. This is an informal panel and discussion, questions will be encouraged! As always we welcome guests. I need a count for dinner by 10/6.
October 2022