September 2014 Zonta Bog Newsletter
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Greetings sister Zontians,
The buzz of the June bugs has been replaced by the chirp of the crickets as we transition into fall. It’s time to begin a new club year and it promises to be an exciting one. Our guest speaker for the September meeting is Nancy Dell, noted area nutritionist, who will speak on women’s nutrition. In addition, we will award the Jane M. Klausman award to Elizabeth A. Fitzgerald, a senior at the Elms College. Elizabeth resides in Huntington MA with her husband and six daughters.
This is also the time to be thinking about which committees you want to serve on. You’ll have the opportunity to sign up at the meeting. Serving on a committee not only enhances your understanding of our Zonta club, but also provides you with a chance to get to better know some of our members.
I hope you all had a pleasant summer. Many of us attended our annual summer picnic held this year at Debbie Wood’s home. Despite the rain, we caught up with club members; visited with Lynn Goodhue, Audrey Millgate, Linda Knox Gibbon, and Judy Luddy from the Northampton club; and enjoyed delicious food. A good time really was had by all. Thank you to everyone who worked to make the picnic so enjoyable.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting on September 22. Please bring a friend to hear Nancy Dell speak as I am sure she will have lots of useful information for all of us. See you there. *
Kris Goold
* P.S. Member reservations for the dinner meeting are assumed and payment expected unless notification is made in advance. Contact one of us with your guest count by Wednesday before meeting.
Kris: (413) 783-4376
Janet: (413) 323-4906