March 2017
Dear Sister Zontians and Friends,
We are on a roll!! The enthusiasm continues! Our February Period Project far surpassed expectations. Our amazing club members worked side by side with many volunteers to fill over 500 feminine hygiene kits for numerous organizations and women’s shelters . The generosity of our members, as well as the community was phenomenal. We received $728 in monetary donations and hundreds of boxes of pads, tampons, liners, soaps, wipes and underwear. Not only did we complete 500 kits at our meeting, we had enough extra products and funds to make another 116 kits which will be delivered to other organizations in need. Thank you, ladies, for all of your efforts to make this project a success. This effort really put Zonta of Quaboag Valley “on the map”! We should all be very proud of our efforts. Read on:
March 2017 Bog