February 2017
Dear Sister Zontians and Friends,
We started out the second half of our Zontian year with great enthusiasm. January is Amelia Earhart month and we were delighted to have pilot Karen Fontaine as our guest speaker. We inducted Sue Williams at this meeting and welcome her experience and perspective! And we are full-steam ahead on the Period Project—Distributing dignity to women and teens in need.
Please continue to get the word out to your networks—we are seeking boxes of pads, tampons and panty liners; quantities of soaps, wipes or sanitizers; and new pairs of underwear—any size. Send me an accounting of what is collected by 2/10, so we can purchase supplemental supplies with donations received. We also are inviting members of the public to join us in putting the monthly menstrual kits together. We will start setting up at 5:30, break for dinner ($18) at 6, and then resume assembly at about 6:45. Kim Lee from CHD and representatives from other shelters will be on hand to take delivery of the kits and remaining products. PLEASE—get a head count of guests to Trish by 2/8 so we have plenty of food and beverages.
Our friends from Soldier On worked with us in January to create about 40 of the kits—helping us to determine a smooth workflow and the quantities to include. They were excited to be part of this effort to raise awareness about the struggle a period is for women living with homelessness or poverty, as pads and tampons are considered “non-essential” by the federal government.
At our March meeting we will celebrate women’s health month by focusing on menopause—peri and post, and identify an organization which will benefit at this year’s Silent “no more” Auction. Please give it some thought and submit proposals. It is not too early to start collecting baskets, items, services and gift certificates for the May 8th Auction. Also help us spread the Save the Date message—we need good attendance at this important event.
At it’s meeting in January, the Board finalized the goals for this biennium (page 4) and we ask that you review and vote on accepting them. We need 100% buy-in to achieve success.
Thanks for all you do.
Mary Knight, President