April 2015 Newsletter
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Important Dates for your Calendar
April 13, 2015 Dinner Meeting *
Special guests: representatives from the Palmer Domestic Violence Taskforce and Soldier On Women Veterans—chosen recipients for profits from May’s Silent “No More!” Auction.
Please bring items for this event that you have collected so far and Auction Donation Form for each. Also, donations for Top Floor Learning Golf Basket and finally, annual dues of $124.
May 2, 2015 District 1 Spring Retreat in Wells, Maine. Details at zontadistrict1.org. District 1 is sponsoring a raffle to give away a two night stay at the Hampton Inn, Wells, Maine. Ticket cost is only $5/ticket and the proceeds are to benefit District 1’s operating costs and travel expenses.
May 4, 2015 Silent “No More!” Auction (1st Monday of month) Start getting the word out for attendees and donations.
June 8, 2015 Dinner Meeting—final meeting before summer break. Special guests: YWPA Award winner and author Katherine Kraver.