Eve Falk – 2015 YWPA Recipient
Eve Falk, Minnechaug Regional High School Class of 2015, is the Quaboag Valley’s 2015 Young Women in Public Affairs award recipient! She will be honored with a reception and presented with a $1000 check on Monday June 8th at the Ludlow Country Club, Ludlow, MA. Author, teacher and world traveler Katherine Mary Kraver will be our keynote speaker for the evening. The public is invited.
From Eve:
In school, I am a member of the National Honor Society, School Newspaper, Class Council, Student Council, and Peer Mentors. I founded and am president of the Future Business Leaders of America club, and am a co-captain of the tennis team. Outside of school, I have played piano for 13 years and have received my Gold, Silver, and Bronze Girl Scout Awards. I also enjoy traveling and have been to many domestic and international destinations. In college, I plan to study business, more specifically marketing and entrepreneurship. I have attended many conferences for women in business, including a weeklong program at Indiana University.