February 2015 Newsletter
Greetings Sister Zontians,
The February meeting promises to be informative as well as interesting. The membership committee will be presenting an overview of the revised procedures for bringing in new members to the club. The revisions include the changes made at the 2014 International Convention in Orlando. Those of you who were able to attend the Fall Conference heard the report about the diminishing number of members in our District. If we go below 300 members, District 1 will be combined with another District. I know none of us wants that to happen, so it is imperative that we all work to not only maintain our membership numbers, but increase them as well.
We will also hear an update on the International Service Projects. We all work hard to raise funds for the International Foundation so we will take a look at on what and where the Zonta Foundation is working to improve the status of women worldwide.
Because we are in the middle of a very cold and unpredictable winter, please remember that your attendance at the dinner meeting is assumed unless you notify me that you are unable to attend. You can reach me at my home number (413) 783-4376 or by email at kmgoold@aol.com. Please contact me by the Wednesday before the meeting if you know in advance that you will not attend. If the weather is bad the day of the meeting and you don’t want to travel, please contact me any way so that I know we won’t see you at the meeting. Thank you.
Take care, stay warm and I’ll see you at the next meeting on February 9th.
Kristin Goold, Co-President