February 2022 Newsletter
Hello fellow Zontians and Friends,
I hope everyone stayed safe and warm throughout January’s blizzard. I personally like one good snowstorm and now I guess I’m ready for spring.
Our Period Project is underway and I have already received some donations. I have gotten pads, tampons, a menstrual cup, and some bars of soap. I would say we still need a bit of everything but pads and tampons are always the bulk of the need. The link to the Amazon wish list is posted on our Facebook page and website. You can always go and purchase supplies and drop them off at my house if that is easier for you. Mary Knight is going to have a little get-together at her house and put together some kits on 2/12. Our February business meeting is on 2/14 and we will have speaker Theresa Nicholson, director of Homelessness Services at CHD. She will talk to us about the status of women and children living in poverty in the Quaboag Valley area during this pandemic.
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February 2022