June 2023 Newsletter

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Hello fellow Zontians & Friends,

I’m excited to begin my term as president of the Zonta Club of Quaboag Valley.

During that time I hope we can focus on a few things to move the club forward in achieving our goals.  First of course is membership and working to increase our numbers.  Every current member can help this in a fairly simple way by inviting friends and colleagues to attend meetings. Share newsletters and emails about upcoming events.  Post on social media and link to our pages on Facebook, Instragram, LinkedIn, etc. We can also ensure that our programs are of interest to a diverse audience and spread the word as effectively as possible.

We also need to work on growing leadership and succession planning so that new members learn how our club works by participating in committee and other volunteer work, then take on increased responsibilities first as chairs and organizers, then board members and then as officers.  This helps ensure that everyone is prepared to step up and everyone has adequate support to avoid burnout.

We have an extraordinary mission and are doing truly radical work to support women and girls literally around the world. Many in Central and Western Massachusetts are impressed with our service projects and appreciate our role in the community and I’m sure many of them will want to join us as they learn more.  Thank you for having confidence in me to serve as president and thank you for continuing to do this work.

Cyd Melcher



June 2023