November 2014 Newsletter
Dear Sister Zontians,
We just returned from a hectic, inspiring, energetic weekend at the 2014 District Fall Conference. I can not say enough about the incredible efforts by all of our members. The Hospitality Suite, Zonta Store, the Holiday and Chocolate /Wine baskets, and Pumpkintinis were well received, and we enjoyed fellowship with our sisters in the District. Kudos to all!
The informative conference sessions included Membership (with Mary Ann Rubis – International Committee member), Public Relations (with Mary Knight, District webmaster), Advocacy and ZI Foundation. Lisa Sedelow (Delegate) will share more about the conference program and any of the other attendees would be happy to share their experiences as well.
Our District 1 mission “Conviction, Commitment and Courage” was in the forefront throughout the weekend, as were key goals of Service, Advocacy and Resources – especially recruiting and retaining dedicated members. Be assured that we will be incorporating the ZI mission, goals and vision in all of our activities this biennium.
I am happy to report we are the proud recipients of two awards from Zonta International Foundation. One is in recognition of 100% member donation to ZI Foundation and the second recognition of the highest donation amount per capita by a District 1 Club. We also learned that Quaboag Valley’s 2014 Jane M. Klausman Award Winner – Elizabeth Fitzgerald – has been honored with the District JMK award!
The next two months will be very busy. On November 10th we will honor Kathy Picard as our 2014 Founder’s Day award winner. November 25th – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – marks the start of the 2014 Zonta Says NO to Violence against Women campaign, as well as the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. Also in November, Lisa Sedelow and Liz Reeves have planned a project with the women of Soldier On.
In December we have out International Marketplace hosted by the Silent “No More” Committee. Please see anyone in the committee if you have suggestions and/or friends, acquaintances or professional contacts who would like to host a table and/or attend. Lastly, we will have Ann Cormier going to her warm climate shortly. Please wish her well as we will miss her experience and expertise.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Ann DaSilva Co-President