November 2016 Newsletter
Dear Sister Zontians and Friends,
I hope many of you took the message from the October meeting to heart and have started taking some “ME” time! You are special and deserving.
Six of our members attended fall conference in Nova Scotia and had a most uplifting time. The speakers on Human Trafficking and women’s issues were very informative; we have lots to share. Dana’s report is on page 7. Handouts will posted on the District website for your review as well:
Preparations for our November 14th meeting are being finalized and it appears we will have a record attendance to celebrate our 25th Anniversary and to honor this year’s Founder’s Day recipient—Marge Cavanaugh. Thanks to all members for their efforts in pulling this special evening together. It is not too late to invite friends, family and colleagues. The press release is included in this newsletter. Please be sure to get your final guest count to me by November 7th so we provide an accurate count to Ludlow Country Club and plan seating.
Photographer Fran Ferry will be on hand to memorialize the evening and plans are underway to create a special 25th Anniversary issue of the Bog by year end.
November 25th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and the first of 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. It is a perfect time to educate ourselves and others about facts and issues impacting women locally and world-wide. Check out and be on the lookout for ideas from our Advocacy committee.
Our December meeting will feature a speaker from the Links to Libraries Board and a collection of toys for children who will be spending the holidays in shelters. New, unwrapped toys, stuffed animals, games and books are always appreciated!
Thanks to those of you who have submitted responses to Membership Chairman Trish Pupek about your reasons for being a Zontian. Debbie Wood’s reflection is included in this issue.
As always, yours in Zonta Fellowship,
Mary Knight