October 2015
This October we have a lot to look forward to. The Fall Conference will be beautiful in Burlington, VT with the fall foliage at its peak. I am excited to share this inspirational time will you all and I am very proud of our Club. Thank you all for your participation at Fall Conference.
Please invite guests to our October Meeting. Phyllis Grondalski will be sharing her experiences volunteering for the Mother-Child Program Visitation Program at the Western Massachusetts Regional Women’s Correctional Center. Also joining us will be Regina Sanderson—Probation Officer and leader of the Womanhood Program at the Eastern Hampshire District Court. It will be a nice evening of fellowship and delicious food. Please confirm your guest count with me by Thursday October 8th..
I look forward to spending time with you and sharing ideas at our club meeting Monday October 12th at the Ludlow Country Club.
Yours in Zonta Friendship,
Lisa Sedelow President Ldsedelow@gmail.com
P.S. Please bring an item for our “Date Night” Basket we are assembling for the District Conference Silent Auction. We are also looking for 4—4.5” pots for the Soldier On event in October.