October 2016 Newsletter
Dear Sister Zontians and Friends,
Many thanks to members and guests for a very productive meeting in September. We set our intentions in a positive way (thanks Sandy Neumann!) and began our 25th year of service and advocacy! We are very pleased about our 2016 Founder’s Day award winner—Marge Cavanaugh—and look forward to recognizing her many contributions.
At the fall conference in Nova Scotia we will be participating in the Silent Auction—Dana got us a $100 Amazon Gift Certificate, and the Store—I will bring a selection of our t-shirts along with an order form.
The golf fundraiser was another great success! Thanks to the core committee Debbie, Marge, Kris – and to all other members who donated raffle items, food and precious time to pull this off.
The October meeting promises to be another interesting one, and much shorter!.
- Our program (page 2) will be about making YOU a priority on your “to do list! Check out the rationale on page 7 and share with friends who need to hear this message.
- This is Domestic Violence Awareness Month—observed to bring to light an issue that effects our community in a staggering way (page 5). Shanique will share how the local YWCA is taking part in the Purple Purse Challenge and how we can help. Tip: We will have a tag-sale table, so bring cash!
- We will get updates on the 25rh anniversary plans for November 14th and other committee reports.
Finally and most importantly: Why are you a member of Zonta? What do you hope to get out of being a member of this club? What will it look like; feel like to you when your reason for membership is being met? How can the club measure its success in meeting your needs around being a member? Read Kris’ thoughts regarding this topic on page 6.
As busy women, almost all decisions we make have that underlying thought process, “What’s in it for me?” If we hope to strengthen our Zonta club, it is important that we understand your WIIFM—so that we are focused on those interests and needs. So….Why are you a member of Zonta? Please forward your response to Membership Chair Trish Pupek at or before our October 10th meeting.
As always, yours in Zonta Fellowship,
Mary Knight