September Newsletter
I hope your summer has been pleasant and relaxing. September is a refreshing time, a time for new beginnings. I look forward to an exciting year as president of the Zonta Club of Quaboag.
Tina and I shared ideas recently at Presidents’ retreat in New Hampshire. This was a terrific opportunity to meet and train with very talented Zontians. It is exciting to know the District recognizes the importance of helping our presidents get off to a good start.
We have many wonderful events and service projects to look forward to this year. We will continue to hold our meetings at the Ludlow Country Club, located off East Street, on Tony Lima Drive in Ludlow. It is a great venue with plenty of parking and handicap accessibility. We will meet on the second Monday of each month, with the exception of our first meeting – which will be held on Tuesday September 15. Business meetings start at 5:30 pm with social time, followed by dinner at 6:00 pm. The catering staff prepares a delicious meal including coffee, tea and dessert for a reasonable cost of $18. Be sure to let me know if you have dietary restrictions, so can accommodate your needs. Our monthly programs include interesting speakers, activities and a business meeting. The Board meets monthly at the Ludlow Public Library to plan the meetings so that they are efficient, engaging, productive and on schedule.
I am delighted that the 2015 Zonta District 1 Official Fall Conference – themed “Helping Hands Around the World” – will be hosted by the Zonta Club of Burlington VT on October 23-25, 2015. We will choose a Delegate and Alternate at the September meeting. This should prove to a fine time with an interesting program and beautiful autumn scenery in picturesque Vermont. It will be great if you can share this weekend with other Zontians from the New England states and Nova Scotia, Canada. The District nomination committee has posted its slate of candidates for 2016-18; our club has three members running: Pam Albertson for Treasurer, Mary Knight for Area 2 Director, and Deb Wood for Nominating Committee. Best wishes to these extremely qualified women.
Hopefully this will be a year filled with good health, excellent service, commitment and growth for all us. Please spread the word about Zonta; highlight our strengths and bring community awareness about the good work that we do; welcome and invite colleagues, family and friends to come to our meetings. Feel free to share your ideas, requests and questions. I value each and every one of our members and appreciate all you do for our club. I am eager to listen to suggestions, welcome mentorship and support.
Looking forward to seeing you all September 15th.
In Zonta Friendship, Lisa Sedelow, President