September 2016 Newsletter

Dear Sister Zontians,

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I look forward to our new Zonta year—our 25th!  We had a wonderful French-themed outing at Deb Wood’s home in August in honor of ZI Convention. Picture at reflects the comaraderie of the group!
Our Golf Tournament on the 10th is shaping up to be another successful fundraiser. Thanks to all members for donating prizes and recruiting players; check out too!

Our first meeting of the year will be action packed:

Ÿ We will induct Shanique Spalding as our newest member.

Ÿ Our guest speaker—Sandy Neumann—will clue us in on “Getting More of What we Want” through the power of intention. Read about the topic on page 7 of this newsletter and then review the intentions our Board put together for this biennium on page 8.

Ÿ Delegate Pam Albertson provided a report on the ZI Convention in Nice on page 5 and—along with other attendees—will be available to answer questions about this biennial event.

Ÿ Several of the new committees formed over the summer are meeting and will be prepared to share reports.  Special thanks to Pam, Trish, Dana, Debbie, Liz and Marge for each taking on TWO leadership roles this year.  Committee Assignments are outlined on page 9.

Ÿ Our November 14th meeting will be a special event. At the 9/12 meeting we need to select someone for our Founder’s Day Award (please come prepared with nominations of local women who have made a significant difference in the Quabog Valley area) and make plans for our 25th Anniversary (be thinking about how we can break down tasks—menu, décor, invitations, publicity, program, etc.).

Ÿ Details for the October Fall Conference in Nova Scotia will be available—Let’s determine who will be traveling and suggestions for making this 12 hour journey!

Ÿ The women from Soldier On will join us for an outing at Quabbin Reservoir and the McLaughlin Fish Hatchery in Belchertown on Saturday September 17th. Ideas for lunch and head count will be needed to make final plans.

Ÿ Trish will share details about the Out of Darkness Walk scheduled for the 25th.

As a reminder, we want to capitalize on the strengths each of us bring to this organization. Please provide the following to me as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly:

(a)  An area of expertise that you are willing to share with others

(b)  A skill, talent, area of knowledge that you would like to sharpen during the next two years.


Thanks for your dedication and passion for this organization!

Mary Knight

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