For women living with homelessness or poverty, having a period is more than a hassle. It’s a financial burden. Basic menstrual hygiene products are costly, especially for women struggling to support themselves and their families. But pads and tampons are considered “non-essential” by the federal government, so they are not covered by SNAP and WIC programs. What’s more, women and teens who are homeless often lack consistent access to hygiene products and safe sanitary spaces.
LINK: Period Project Wish List on Amazon
You can help by supporting The Period Project! Please donate items to create monthly menstrual kits for homeless women and to stock supplies at local shelters. Together, we can make a period just a little easier for women and teens in need.
Period Project Assembly 2/22/25 @10:00 – 12:00 Venture Way Collaborative, 200 Venture Way, Hadley MA, followed by luncheon
Donations Needed
Sealed boxes of Pads and Tampons
Menstrual Cups (reusable)
Cleansing Wipes
Hand Sanitizers or Soap
Panty Liners
New Pairs of Underwear (any size)
In addition to Period related items, this year we are also collecting other toiletries for children and young adults in Foster Care – especially items targeted for people of color
Cash donations so we can purchase items in short supply.