Archive for Newsletter

May /June 2016 Newsletter

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Dear Sister Zontians,

Heartfelt thanks go out to donors and guests who made the  8th Silent “no more!” Auction on May 2nd at the Ludlow Country Club a resounding success.  The auction raised awareness and nearly $7000 funds this year for projects aimed at stopping violence against women and children; assisting youth programs of Ludlow C.A.R.E.S.; and preserving dignity and quality of life for women veterans. Please show support to donor businesses for their generosity:  Congratulations to the winners of over 120 auction items. Be proud of the difference all of you are making locally and globally by supporting this annual event.

At our meeting on June 13th we will be honoring Olivia Murray of Palmer—this year’s YWPA award winner. Committee Chairs will be providing their year-end reports and I will be asking each member to share one highlight for her during this biennium.  Pam encourages your questions, discussion and guidance as she prepares to represent us at the 2016 Convention.  We will also be voting for the Zontian of the Biennium for the Quaboag Valley Club—the award recipient will be honored with a $100 gift that will be donated to the charity of her choice.  You might consider such factors as enthusiasm for our mission, participation in club events and fundraisers, committee work, leadership roles, longevity and other criteria important to the work of the club.

As I wind down my tenure as President, four highlights stand out for me.

  1. Teamwork—each of you brought your “A game” to the forefront; your attitude and hard work helped us to pull off a year of amazing accomplishments for a small club!
  2. Momentum—we have peaked interest among the many guests who were eager to work on our projects this year. I hope we can capitalize on that enthusiasm to grow this club in the new biennium.
  3. Impact of our Signature Project—we have made a lasting impression on the women of Soldier On by being there for them month after month for the last several years—they treasure our personal attention as well as financial support. Thank you to everyone who took lead on an event and for everyone who participated in them in the past year. Please be thinking about the types of activities that you would like to participate in with the ladies going forward.
  4. Leadership—we are all leaders of this club and many of us have stepped up to take leadership roles in the District and on the International level. Pam Albertson is the latest, taking on the role of District Treasurer for 2016-18.  Congratulations!

Thank you one and all for your dedication!  Lisa


April Newsletter

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Hear Ye, Hear Ye!  Our annual Silent “no more!” Auction is but a mere 4 weeks away!! Just a reminder, please bring your auction items that need to be combined with other items, to our April meeting.  No item is too small!  A restaurant gift certificate could be added to a “Night on the Town” gift basket.  Use your imagination!  We will have fun making auction baskets at the April meeting.  We are also in need of baskets.

We have some wonderful items so far.  Two $100 dining gift certificates for Todd English’s Tuscany and Bob Flay’s Bar American at Mohegan Sun.  (One of these will be used for the auction, the other for the golf tournament);  a Summer Beach bag complete with Blanket, towel, flip/flops, frisbee, kid pops and water bottle (maybe someone would like to throw in a bottle of sunscreen and some sunglasses)?  A lovely grey/gold shawl; an Asian style tea set with tray; two beautiful hand knitted afghans, among other wonderful items.

Please look around your house for like-new items, check in with friends and family, ask the businesses you frequent for donations.  New this year: The Zonta Club of Quaboag Valley is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so donors may be able to take a tax deduction for cash or items donated to this event!

Of course, the Silent “no more!” Auction will only be a success if we have a great attendance.  So invite, Invite, Invite!

Trish Pupek, Auction Chairman


February Newsletter

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Greetings Sister Zontians,

We started out the second half of our Zontian year without skipping a beat.  January’s dinner meeting was not only productive but also a lot of fun, thanks to Dana’s Amelia Earhart challenge game. Karen Fontaine’s experience as a pilot may have given her team an edge!

Our friends from Soldier On worked with us to create 25 yarn dolls to donate to the Women and Children’s program at the Chicopee Women’s Correctional Center.  We will have the dolls on display at our February meeting and hand them off to Phyl Grondolski for delivery.

And that brings me to all the work Zontians and community members have done to collect items for our Fill A Bag with Hope project!  What an incredible outpouring of support we have seen—we have hundreds of bags! Many guests are expected  to be at the February 8 event for dinner and/or to help us with this hands-on project. Please join me in making them feel welcomed and appreciated.  We will set up the assembly line before eating and begin filling the pocketbooks about 6:30ish. We are working on plans for a smooth workflow.

At our March meeting we celebrate International Women’s Day and identify an organization which will benefit at this year’s Silent “no more” Auction.  Please give it some thought and submit proposals.  It is not too early to start collecting baskets, items, services and gift certificates for the May 2nd Auction.  Also help us spread the Save the Date message—we need good attendance at this important event.

Finally, I am looking for your input on awarding a Zontian of the Biennium at the June meeting. If you support this, what criteria would you recommend?  Email me your thoughts.

Thanks for all you do,
Lisa Sedelow


December Newsletter

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Sister Zontians,

 December is upon us and for many it is the busiest time of the year. Celebrating the holidays with family and friends can be both stressful and rewarding. Some of us have new additions to the family, making this special time even more exciting; others have lost loved ones or are dealing with family illness, making this a time of reflection and changed traditions.  Regardless of your circumstances, I encourage you to count your many blessings – open your heart, mind and soul to goodness, gratitude and light.  Be proud of your ability to share your time, talent and treasures not only with friends and family, but also with women and children locally and globally who benefit from your generosity.

I recently received a request from Dana A. Brendecke-Carrier, bCRE, Development Manager for Zonta International & Zonta International Foundation asking for our ‘success formula’.  Cheryl Dorfman nominated us to part of a pilot program because “… as a former Foundation Ambassador and now ZIF Development Committee member, I have been continually impressed by  the fact that a small to medium size like yours is able to raise a substantial amount yearly through your fund raising efforts and is most generous in your contributions to the Foundation, exceeding the amounts often given by larger clubs.”  I am not sure how we will proceed with the request, but the ‘ask’ is certainly something to be proud of!

The Board has asked Pam and Tina to handle Nomination Committee honors this year, with the goal of presenting a slate of officers for 2016 – 2018 at our March meeting.  Pam has been elected to the District 1 Treasurer position and Tina will be moving out of the area next spring – so neither can be a candidate for office. I invite all the rest of you to consider serving as an officer, on the board, or be a committee chair. Our club is small at this time, so we all need to take on a leadership role as we rebuild our ranks.  Job descriptions for these positions are outlined on page five (5) of this newsletter.  Thanks for stepping up!

On a recent afternoon at Solider On, one of the veterans shared how truly grateful the women are for our friendship and generosity. She shared that “the time that we take out of our busy lives to spend with them” is what makes the biggest difference to them. This heartfelt thank you reminded me of how fortunate I am to be a part of our club and how special and unique we all are. It is truly an honor serving as your President.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season.

Lisa Sedelow


November Newsletter

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The Zonta Club of Quaboag Valley has been successful in many ways. This year has built upon the stunning success of the past several years and the commitment of members to participate in working the activities. I would like to highlight one of our clubs significant accomplishments:  The Soldier On Project.


Our workshops and activities with the Women Veterans are enriching to all and truly appreciated by these ladies. The variety of activities has been outstanding, ranging from our most recent horseback riding trip in September to the Greenhouse tour in October.  The group enjoyed the relaxing greenhouse atmosphere, conversation, refreshments and live plants to bring home to their newly built residence in Leeds, MA.  Please join us for our next Soldier On activity on Saturday November 21 in Leeds for a pie making workshop.  Please also keep the creative ideas coming so we can plan a fun and interesting year of activities with our Veteran friends. This is a wonderful way to reach a high point in service as well as fundraising.


We are a small but impressive club. My goal is to have us become even stronger and larger. This is a goal shared with Zonta International. Please help us spread the word about the difference we are making locally and globally; invite a friend or two to our November Founders Day meeting and December Holiday Celebration. Share that are meetings are interesting, the dinners delicious, and the fellowship could not be more welcoming.


Thank you for your commitment to Zonta!


Lisa Sedelow


October 2015

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This October we have a lot to look forward to. The Fall Conference will be beautiful in Burlington, VT with the fall foliage at its peak. I am excited to share this inspirational time will you all and I am very proud of our Club. Thank you all for your participation at Fall Conference.

Please invite guests to our October Meeting. Phyllis Grondalski will be sharing her experiences volunteering for the Mother-Child Program Visitation Program at the Western Massachusetts Regional Women’s Correctional Center. Also joining us will be Regina Sanderson—Probation Officer and leader of the Womanhood Program at the Eastern Hampshire District Court. It will be a nice evening of fellowship and delicious food. Please confirm your guest count with me by Thursday October 8th..

I look forward to spending time with you and sharing ideas at our club meeting Monday October 12th at the Ludlow Country Club.

Yours in Zonta Friendship,
Lisa Sedelow President

P.S. Please bring an item for our “Date Night” Basket we are assembling for the District Conference Silent Auction. We are also looking for 4—4.5” pots for the Soldier On event in October.

September Newsletter

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lisaI hope your summer has been pleasant and relaxing. September is a refreshing time, a time for new beginnings. I look forward to an exciting year as president of the Zonta Club of Quaboag.

Tina and I shared ideas recently at Presidents’ retreat in New Hampshire. This was a terrific opportunity to meet and train with very talented Zontians. It is exciting to know the District recognizes the importance of helping our presidents get off to a good start.

We have many wonderful events and service projects to look forward to this year. We will continue to hold our meetings at the Ludlow Country Club, located off East Street, on Tony Lima Drive in Ludlow. It is a great venue with plenty of parking and handicap accessibility. We will meet on the second Monday of each month, with the exception of our first meeting – which will be held on Tuesday September 15. Business meetings start at 5:30 pm  with social time, followed by dinner at 6:00 pm. The catering staff prepares a delicious meal including coffee, tea and dessert for a reasonable cost of $18. Be sure to let me know if you have dietary restrictions, so can accommodate your needs. Our monthly programs include interesting speakers, activities and a business meeting. The Board meets monthly at the Ludlow Public Library to plan the meetings so that they are efficient, engaging, productive and on schedule.


I am delighted that the 2015 Zonta District 1 Official Fall Conference  – themed “Helping Hands Around the World” – will be hosted by the Zonta Club of Burlington VT on October 23-25, 2015. We will choose a Delegate and Alternate at the September meeting. This should prove to a fine time with an interesting program and beautiful autumn scenery in picturesque Vermont. It will be great if you can share this weekend with other Zontians from the New England states and Nova Scotia, Canada. The District nomination committee has posted its slate of candidates for 2016-18; our club has three members running: Pam Albertson for Treasurer, Mary Knight for Area 2 Director, and Deb Wood for Nominating Committee.  Best wishes to these extremely qualified women.


Hopefully this will be a year filled with good health, excellent service, commitment and growth for all us. Please spread the word about Zonta; highlight our strengths and bring community awareness about the good work that we do; welcome and invite colleagues, family and friends to come to our meetings. Feel free to share your ideas, requests and questions. I value each and every one of our members and appreciate all you do for our club. I am eager to listen to suggestions, welcome mentorship and support.


Looking forward to seeing you all September 15th.
In Zonta Friendship,  Lisa Sedelow, President



May/June 2015 Newsletter

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Leadership in Zonta of Quaboag Valley 2015-2016

Lisa Sedelow, President lisa

As your president, my goals are to:

  1. Promote awareness to the public – the what, who, why and where of Zonta, our mission and objectives.
  2. Lead with focus and passion by listening to member needs and ideas, and showing gratitude and support for members’ personal and Zonta accomplishments. Zonta member satisfaction is top priority to ensure that time spent devoted to service projects and meetings is of the highest quality and value.
  3. Grow membership and community awareness by outreach and invitation.

I appreciate your feedback and your support as we dedicate 2015-2016 to a year of “conviction, commitment and courage”. If you are proud to be a Zontian, spread the word!

Christina Guinasso, Vice President

Christina GuinassoIn the coming year it is my hope that Lisa and I, as President & Vice President, are able to help strengthen our group. I think that the membership committee will hold a vital role in the coming year by increasing support in attracting new members.

My goals:

To encourage continuity in our advocacy efforts

To increase our membership by at least 10%

To support and encourage my fellow Zontians

To create an environment that makes others curious about Zonta

We are a strong group and whatever we can do to increase our numbers will only make us stronger and give us the ability to give more back to our community in a manner that aligns with our common goals through advocacy for women.





April 2015 Newsletter

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Important Dates for your Calendar
April 13, 2015 Dinner Meeting *
Special guests: representatives from the Palmer Domestic Violence Taskforce and Soldier On Women Veterans—chosen recipients for profits from May’s Silent “No More!” Auction.
Please bring items for this event that you have collected so far and Auction Donation Form for each. Also, donations for Top Floor Learning Golf Basket and finally, annual dues of $124.

May 2, 2015 District 1 Spring Retreat in Wells, Maine. Details at District 1 is sponsoring a raffle to give away a two night stay at the Hampton Inn, Wells, Maine. Ticket cost is only $5/ticket and the proceeds are to benefit District 1’s operating costs and travel expenses.

May 4, 2015 Silent “No More!” Auction (1st Monday of month) Start getting the word out for attendees and donations.

June 8, 2015 Dinner Meeting—final meeting before summer break. Special guests: YWPA Award winner and author Katherine Kraver.

March 2015 Newsletter

Greetings Sister Zontians,

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Click on this picture to open a PDF version of the newsletter

The winter weather certainly has been raising havoc with us.  I’m told that the February meeting is the first one in the club’s history that had to be canceled due to bad weather.  Let’s hope that the March meeting takes place as planned.
One of the items that was on the February agenda was a review of the revised procedures for bringing a new member into the club.  Those procedures are included in this newsletter and include inviting a prospective member to attend at least two meetings.  It’s important that a prospective member gets to experience the dynamics of a Zonta meeting and learn about some of the projects and activities in which the club is involved.   Also, per the 2014 Orlando Convention, membership is now open to men.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out over time.  I’ve met some male members of various Zonta clubs in the past.  They added a different perspective to the clubs that proved to be quite valuable.

Another item of interest that we were going to talk about is inviting Katherine Mary Kraver to be the guest speaker at our June meeting.  Katherine is an elementary school teacher and author who was featured in an article in the Springfield Republican a month or so ago.  She has traveled extensively and her first book, “It Was Just A House,” is about a young girl who is a refugee in Jordan.  Mary Ann Rubis suggested that we invite her and take advantage of her appearance to use the meeting as a member recruitment night.  The Membership Committee is looking for help to make this happen—please speak to Lisa Sedelow.

The Soldier On Program has a new contact person.  Her name is Sara Scoco and her email address is

For our March meeting, Tina Guinasso will be speaking about Advocacy.  She’ll provide us with information about what advocacy is and how we can become advocates for women who need Zonta’s  help and support.  Please try to attend this meeting as I’m certain you will find it enlightening.

Our March meeting is scheduled for March 9th.  Your attendance is assumed unless you contact me beforehand.  If you know you will not be able to attend, please either email me at or call me at 413 783-4376 by noon, the Friday before the meeting.  That is my cutoff time for notifying Ludlow Country Club.  Thank you for your cooperation.  I look forward to seeing everyone in March.

Kristin M. Goold

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